Permanent Makeup
Hey babe!
read this before
your appointment!
Hello darling!
Are you ready to take advantage of my Microblading Special?
*remember, only 20 spots available*
Thank you so much for trusting Glam Bar AL with your beautiful face! Prior to booking an appointment, we ask that all Glam Bar clients read and review the information below fully to ensure you are informed about our policies, forms, frequently asked questions, and more!
It's a lot of information, but vital that the client understands everything prior to booking an appointment.
Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns after reviewing the information below! We look forward to seeing you soon!
Kennedy Kirkland
Glam Bar Alabama / Owner

Microblading, Blading with shading, Lip Blush, Lash Liner- What are they?
All of the techniques offered at Glam Bar AL are considered permanent makeup or a semi-permanent tattoo, to help make you look younger, more refreshed, and more put together with little to no effort!
Specifically all of our permanent makeup techniques are achieved by inserting pigment into the skin to create a natural-looking eyebrow, enhance the lips, or enhance the eye area.
This informative permanent makeup packet is the first step for you to earn our trust. This information explains how everything works so you can make the right decision on what suits your skin and lifestyle best!
Who is a good candidate?
The simple answer is, anyone who wants to wake up with full, beautiful brows, lips, or eyeliner every day! Busy parents who want to alleviate the burden of applying makeup every morning, active people who don't want the stress of sweating their makeup off anymore, or anyone struggling to perfectly shape their eyeliner, lips, or brows.
Other clients include: cancer survivors, those suffering from scarring, Alopecia, Trichotillomania, or other diseases that might have caused eyebrow hair loss.
Let Glam Bar AL do all the work for YOU!
Who is NOT a good candidate?
If you are taking blood thinning medication
Under 18 years of age
Skin irritations on or near the area including, but not limited to- sunburn, psoriasis, acne, rashes, blisters, etc.
Those who are pregnant, planning to be pregnant in the next 4 months, or nursing (must be 3 months post-nursing)
If you are taking sun-sensitizing medications or skin exfoliating products including, but not limited to- Retinoids, Vitamin A, Accutane (must be stopped for 6 months prior and 6-weeks post treatment)
Those undergoing chemotherapy (must be 6 months past with a medical clearance)
Diabetic patients (must be in a controlled state with a medical clearance)
Those with skin diseases or viral infections
Those with glaucoma
Botox and filler should be performed 4 weeks pre and/or post PMU procedure
Those with a history of keloid scarring
Eyelash-growth serums like Latisse must not be used 1 month pre and post lash liner procedure
Those with pacemakers can not receive machine PMU (a manual brow method can be used)
Those who have ever had shingles (PMU can cause a flare up)
Those with auto-immune disorders and/or deficiencies
Those with a history of cold sores can not have Lip Blush as PMU can cause a flare up (medical clearance & medication pre, during, and post PMU service required)
No chemical peels or strong exfoliating facial treatments 1 month before & 2 months post-PMU service
Cosmetic facial surgery must be healed at least 6 months before PMU procedure
Those with previous permanent tattoo work (you MUST let us know prior to your appointment if you have had previous PMU work done as we may not be able to service you)
* DISCLAIMER: It is required that the client consult with their Physician prior to taking, altering, or stopping any form of medication and/or supplements, or making changes to their dosing cycles, diet, etc.
How to Prepare
Do not take blood thinning medication (aspirin, niacin, vitamin E, fish oil, or ibuprofen for one week prior appointment
no caffeine, alcohol, or energy drinks within 24 hours -increases the risk of bleeding
brow waxing & tinting and lip waxing must be performed 7 days prior and 6 weeks after
no chemical peels, exfoliating facial treatments, or skin thinners 1 month before and 2 months after
stop using lash growth serums 1 month before and after
For lash liner, you should remove your contacts since your eyes will be gently manipulated
For lash liner, you should be lash extension free before and during your appointment
For lip blush - if you have a history of or have cold sores/fever blisters, you must obtain a medical clearance & an antiviral medication for use before, during, & after procedure to avoid an outbreak.
For lip blush, you must come with hydrated lips (exfoliate 3 days prior & moisturizer 1 week up to with aquaphor)
Come to your appointment makeup free on the area receiving PMU
Permanent Makeup - Policies
Prior Permanent Makeup
By consult only. Sometimes we cannot work over other artists' work. Please contact us to discuss BEFORE booking. If you have EVER had permanent makeup before (even if it has completely faded), you must let us know prior to booking so we can ensure that it can be covered. Failure to do so may result in disappointment and loss of deposit if you arrive to your appointment and it cannot be covered.
Payment Policy
Glam Bar Alabama accepts all major credit cards, debit cards and cash. No checks or money orders. All permanent makeup appointments require a non-refundable $100.00 booking deposit to book. This booking fee goes toward your total investment and holds your spot on the calendar. Please call, email, or text to book your appointment, or book online. After selecting a date and time, you will receive instructions for paying your deposit by debit or credit card by email. Your appointment is not booked until you have paid your deposit. Please review our cancellation policy below prior to booking.
Cancellation Policy
Please read this policy before booking any appointments at Glam Bar Alabama to make sure you fully understand. The reason for this policy is that we remain very booked for all services, with some clients waiting months to be seen. While we are ever so grateful for our wonderful clients, timely and efficient service is necessary for us to provide outstanding customer service. If you fail to comply with these policies, we are unable to service everyone in a fair and efficient way. Customer satisfaction is our highest priority, and these policies exist to give all clients the absolute best experience possible. We are so thankful for your business and welcome any inquiries about this policy!
For all permanent makeup appointments, a 72-hour notice is required to cancel or reschedule your appointment. Should you fail to cancel or reschedule your appointment at least 72-hours before your appointment, you will forfeit your booking deposit. Should you wish to reschedule your appointment at that point, you definitely can! You will have to pay another non-refundable deposit to book another date.
Late Policy
If you are over 10-minutes late to any appointment, you will be asked to reschedule, and the same policies above will apply. This is because all clients receive thorough consultations and detailed, precise work. As a result, we will not omit vital steps or rush your appointment or others. Therefore, if you are more than 10-minutes late to your appointment, you will forfeit your deposit and be required to pay another non-refundable deposit before you can re-book.There will be no exceptions to this policy. By booking your appointment with Glam Bar Alabama, you acknowledge that you have read, understand, and agree to the Cancellation Policy.
Your Compliance
All permanent makeup procedures are a 2-step process: The initial appointment and the 6-week touchup appointment. By omitting your 6-week touchup appointment, you are not fully completing the process.
Touchups are a required part of the permanent makeup process as it is very difficult to predict how well the skin will retain the pigment. If you have things you do want to tweak after the first appointment, no worries! The brows may needs more strokes added or maybe one specific area did not take the pigment well. The color may need an adjustment or the client may just want to go darker. Other reasons that touchups are required are to ensure as much symmetry as possible with your bone structure. At the touchup, we can also adjust things like: one brow tail appearing shorter or higher/lower than the other from healing, or going overall darker with your PMU. These are all minor imperfections that are easily fixed at the 6-week touchup appointment. We will continue to work on your brows at the touchup appointment! Even if you love your brows, lips, or liner, the touchup is vital to the final complete result!
If you do not schedule and omit your required 6-week touchup appointment, please understand that pricing will be reflected based on how long it has been between your initial and touchup appointment.
If you had your initial Permanent Makeup appointment done by Glam Bar Alabama and chose to go elsewhere for your touchup because you failed to maintain your appointment, please understand that I will no longer service you!
Permanent Makeup is life-changing, but does require some maintenance from you after you leave the studio to ensure your lips, eyebrows, and/or eyeliner heals beautifully!
No heavy sweating for 10 days after the procedure
No skincare, makeup, creams on area (except for provided aftercare ointment) until healed
Apply ointment very sparingly to area (rice grain sized amount)
No steam, hot baths, sauna, hot tub, swimming, pools until flaking is complete & healed
No sunbathing or tanning for 4 weeks after procedure
Protect the area from sun exposure when in direct sunlight
No facials, chemical peels, botox, dermabrasion, or other strong exfoliants/treatments until fully healed
For eyebrow & liner procedure, avoid eyelash and eyebrow tinting/lifting, waxing, electrolysis, and tweezing until healed
No abrasive products (rough towels, wash cloths, etc.)
Do not scratch or pick at area (flaking needs to fall off on it's own)
Call, text, or email us if you have any questions!
Extreme redness, swelling, pain or seepage are all signs of a reaction or possible infection. This would be rare, but if it occurs, call a doctor immediately!
*Aftercare is provided at appointment time